Nuage de Parfum
Let me introduce you to L'AURA, a cloud of 100% natural fragrance that embodies the very essence of an encounter as mysterious as it is familiar. Born of my desire to capture the ineffable, this fragrance invites you to a transcendent olfactory experience.
Offre de lancement :
29€ au lieu de 35€
valable jusqu'au 31 décembre 2024

The scent of a memory
AURA is more than just a scent.
It's an olfactory signature that unfolds over time, gradually revealing its depth. It anchors itself in your memory, weaving invisible links between you and those who wear it.
So when you come across it, you're seized by it, drawn in by this familiar fragrance that seems to know you better than you know yourself.

A 100% natural fragrance
Composed of the noble notes of vetiver and laurel, L'AURA is a fragrance that seduces with its harmonious complexity.

The scent of a memory
AURA is more than just a scent.
It's an olfactory signature that unfolds over time, gradually revealing its depth. It anchors itself in your memory, weaving invisible links between you and those who wear it.
So when you come across it, you're seized by it, drawn in by this familiar fragrance that seems to know you better than you know yourself.

Le début d'une gamme de soins 100% naturels
Durant une année nous avons testé différentes senteurs, affiné au fur et mesures des envoies d'échantillons qu'elle me fournissais.
Cela n'a pas été facile de travailler à distance sur quelque chose d'aussi abstrait que l'univers olfactif.
Mais nous avons relevé le défis.
Avec cette premier production officiel limité à 100 exemplaire nous allons financer la suite de nos projets : une gamme complète de soins du corps entièrement naturel.